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Quick Tips to Improve Your Domain Authority

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Is getting your website to the top of Google’s search results something you’re thinking about? Then you’ve heard of “domain authority” before. How can one improve their website’s domain authority, and what does it mean?

While domain authority isn’t directly a Google ranking criterion, several strategies can boost your SEO and send good signals to search engines in the form of increased authority in your domain name. This is crucial information for anyone involved in search engine optimization (SEO).

Here, we’ll define domain authority, discuss its significance in search engine rankings, and offer some tips for improving it.

We will discuss:

What is Domain Authority?

You can utilize Moz’s domain authority (DA) statistic to forecast your website’s search engine ranking performance. It reveals how well your site relates to your field or a certain subject. Therefore, it is a reflection of the power or influence in your sphere of influence.

Although it’s a good idea to utilize domain authority to see where your site stands in the competition, keep in mind that Google does not use it to decide your site’s ranking.

On a scale from zero to one hundred, domain authority is quantified. Your chances of doing well in search results are directly proportional to your domain authority score.

There is a nuanced distinction between domain authority and page authority; don’t get the two mixed up.

Your domain’s (and subdomains’) ranking power is shown by domain authority, whereas the ranking power of individual pages is examined by page authority.

What Is a Good Domain Authority Score?

The calculation of domain authority is based on numerous criteria. However, as a general rule, highly trafficked and linked websites, such as Google, Apple, or Microsoft, will have a high DA, typically ranging from 90 to 100.

Conversely, a low DA (maybe between 10 and 20) is typical for newly-launched websites.

Generally speaking, a lower DA is easier to improve. It becomes more challenging and may require patience and time as it increases.

Consider your direct competition instead of setting a target for your domain authority. It would be illogical to declare a constant value as “good” as typical domain authority will vary among industries.

Keep in mind that domain authority is not a ranking indication for Google. Ranking indications (such as backlinks and high-quality content) are important, but boosting your domain authority is even more so.

How is Domain Authority Calculated?

Domain authority is determined by analyzing how your domain performs in comparison to your competitors, as stated by Moz.

The process by which Moz determines a domain’s authority score is as follows:

The DA score of a domain is determined by a machine learning algorithm’s forecasts of the frequency with which Google includes that domain in its search results. A greater DA for domain A would be expected if domain A has a higher probability of appearing in a Google SERP compared to domain B.

When determining domain authority, the following are the most crucial aspects:

  • Link Profile – All of the links on your website, both internal and external, make up your link profile. The best way to establish a strong link profile is to have your post connected to authoritative websites and to have other credible sites link back to it.
  • Root Domains –The amount of unique backlinks is one metric that Moz considers while analyzing your link profile, which includes root domains. Suppose that out of a hundred links, just one comes from a single website. According to Moz, this counts as one root domain. Consequently, you should aim to acquire backlinks from a wide variety of authoritative websites.
  • Spam Score –Moz also uses a statistic called the “Spam Score” to assess the potential spamminess of a website. It examines a site’s backlink profile and compares it to others.

With that background, let’s jump into our guide on increasing your domain authority.

How to Increase Domain Authority (5 Ways)

Improving your website’s domain authority is an ongoing process that will take time. We need more time! It will take more than a day after you make substantial changes for it to start looking better. While you consistently make improvements and establish high-quality links, it could take weeks—if not months—to complete.

If you want your site’s DA to go up, try these strategies:

1. Acquire High-Quality Backlinks from Authority Sites

You may have observed that backlinks are a major factor in domain authority. Furthermore, backlinks are among Google’s most weighted ranking factors.

Due to a lack of backlinks, 90% of websites in Ahrefs research do not receive any organic traffic.

To improve your link profile, there are a plethora of options for acquiring backlinks.

Examine your most reliable referral sources to kick things off. These are the websites that direct people to yours via links. Can you increase the number of links from these websites? Could you recommend any related websites that would be interested in linking to you? Get in touch with people.

Discovering your most valuable referral sources is a piece of cake when you use WordPress. When you install MonsterInsights into your WordPress dashboard, you’ll have access to a top referral report, among other features.

2. Create Killer Content That’s Link Worthy

Number two on our list of ways to boost your domain authority is to produce high-quality content that other websites will be eager to connect to.

More people will share your material if you make it valuable and useful to them. As a result, more authoritative websites, such as those belonging to educational institutions or government agencies, will be more likely to connect to your site.

You can increase your number of connecting root domains and, by extension, your Domain Authority (DA), with links from various sites.

Feeling stumped for fresh material ideas? Examining your site’s most visited pages should be your first step. What kinds of posts are doing best in terms of traffic? In terms of engagement, which pages do your visitors like the most?

Make an effort to produce more of what your viewers enjoy the most.

3. Perform a Site Audit and Eliminate Invalid Links

Bad inbound links can do more damage than good for your website’s DA and ranks, even if inbound links are crucial.

The domain authority of your website can take a hit if it receives links from spammy websites. And Google may even punish you if this happens.

To avoid this, check your site for harmful links and eliminate them without delay. By reviewing your website’s link profile in its entirety, you can utilize several SEO tools to detect malicious links.

Even if removing the links isn’t possible, you can disavow or ignore them using Google Search Console. Therefore, spammy or otherwise artificial backlinks will not be considered by Google’s crawler.

4. Make Your Website Easy to Use and Structured Properly

Improving your domain authority can be as simple as making your website more user-friendly and straightforward.

Web pages with good structure are easier for search engines to index and index easily, which in turn makes your content more user-friendly and increases the likelihood that people will link to your site.

Making a sitemap will aid search engine spiders. To make it easier for search engines to index your pages, a sitemap lists all of your important pages.

If you want to make your site more user-friendly, mobile optimization should be your priority.

Because Google prioritizes mobile performance, it will examine your site’s mobile friendliness first. Website performance and speed on mobile devices should be top priorities.

The next step is to check that your website is secure. Obtaining SSL certificates and switching to HTTPS are two ways to accomplish this. Alternatively, you can acquire top-notch WordPress security plugins like Sucuri, which provides numerous functions akin to a web application firewall.

5. Improve Your Internal Links

Paying close attention to your site’s internal link structure is another approach to enhancing the user experience (and overall SEO). One way to keep visitors engaged is to provide links to similar sites on your site.

Search engine bots can more easily crawl and index your pages with the help of internal links.

Passing “link juice” from one page to another is another perk of having a good internal link structure.

In search engine optimization, “link juice” is the value that one page can pass on to another. When more and more people link to a page, it signals to the search engine that the page is credible and worthy of its ranking. The cumulative effect is an increase in domain authority.

For those who use WordPress, a plugin such as All in One SEO can greatly enhance your internal linking strategy.

With the connect Assistant plugin for AIOSEO, your site’s internal links report will be generated automatically, along with suggestions for suitable pages to connect to.

Start with Analytics

Improving your domain authority is possible even without reliable website analytics that reveal your site’s true performance.

Get started with simple, easy-to-understand Google Analytics reports right now by installing MonsterInsights on your WordPress site. Start with the free edition of MonsterInsights or select the appropriate license level.


Enhancing your domain authority is crucial for building a strong online presence and gaining credibility in your industry. By implementing these quick tips, including creating high-quality content, building robust backlinks, optimizing your website’s technical aspects, and engaging in active social media participation, you can steadily improve your domain authority over time. Remember that consistency and relevance are key factors in the eyes of search engines, so stay committed to providing value to your audience. As your domain authority grows, so does your potential for increased visibility, trust, and ultimately, success in the competitive digital landscape. Keep refining your strategies, adapting to industry trends, and monitoring your progress to ensure sustained growth in your domain authority.


What is Domain Authority and why is it important for my website?

Domain Authority is a metric developed by Moz that predicts how well a website will rank on search engine result pages. It’s crucial because search engines consider it when determining the credibility and authority of your site. A higher Domain Authority often leads to better search engine rankings.

How can I increase my Domain Authority quickly?

Improving Domain Authority is a gradual process, but you can start by creating high-quality and relevant content, building a strong backlink profile, optimizing on-page SEO elements, and ensuring a positive user experience on your website. Consistent efforts in these areas can contribute to a faster increase in Domain Authority.

Does the age of my domain affect Domain Authority?

While domain age is a factor, it’s not the only one. Newer domains can still achieve high Domain Authority by focusing on content quality, user experience, and building authoritative backlinks. Older domains may have a head start, but ongoing efforts are essential for maintaining or improving Domain Authority.

How does backlink quality impact Domain Authority?

Backlinks play a significant role in Domain Authority. Quality matters more than quantity. Obtaining backlinks from authoritative and industry-related websites should be your top priority. Avoid low-quality or spammy links, as they can negatively impact your Domain Authority and search engine rankings.

Is social media activity important for improving Domain Authority?

While social media signals themselves may not directly influence Domain Authority, a strong social media presence can indirectly contribute to it. Sharing your content on social platforms can increase its visibility, leading to more organic backlinks and improved overall online visibility, which can positively impact your Domain Authority over time.


Written by Ronak Ansley

As a seasoned digital marketing and SEO expert, I bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. With a passion for driving online growth and visibility, I have dedicated myself to staying at the forefront of industry trends and strategies. My journey in the digital realm spans several years, during which I have helped numerous businesses achieve their online objectives.

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