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Meta Description Vs SERP Snippet

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Meta descriptions have played a significant role in search engine optimization (SEO) from its inception.

Meta descriptions, according to Google, have zero bearing on search engine rankings.

However, anecdotal data suggests that better descriptions’ indirect qualities aid as an indirect signal. Effective meta-description optimization changes many metrics, including click-through rate (CTR), how people perceive the result’s quality, and how they perceive your website’s offerings.

How to write great meta descriptions and implement them on your site is the topic of our most recent in-depth analysis.

What Is a Meta Description?

The meta description, in its most basic form, is just a meta tag that describes the page. Search engine results pages (SERPs) include this meta description just below the page title.

Why Are Meta Descriptions Important for SEO?

Meta descriptions used to be a crucial component of search engine optimization. Were they useful for rankings at the time? Both Google and other search engines have said and reiterated that they are not ranking signals and do not contribute to ranking.

A recent comprehensive study conducted by Yoast found that Google generates a large number of meta-descriptions autonomously, irrespective of the authors’ intent or whether the pages in question were part of the study’s segmentation groups.

It made no difference whether Yoast used a high or low keyword density for the meta descriptions or if they were lengthy or brief.

In sixty-three percent of the instances they reviewed, Google utilized phrases from the initial paragraph. This is by no means an assurance that Google will treat your site any differently, but it does provide some evidence that the meta description ought to be the focal point of an article’s beginning.

However, meta descriptions aren’t only useful for search engine optimization; there are other factors to consider.

Meta descriptions, in addition to search engine optimization, have the following additional benefits:

  • Increasing a site’s CTR in the SERPs: Improved “website curb appeal” is directly attributable to well-written and optimized meta descriptions, which in turn boost a site’s click-through rate (CTR) in search engine results pages (SERPs).
  • Traffic: More people will visit a website if its click-through rate (CTR) is higher after optimization.
  • Potential conversions: The potential for conversions can be greatly enhanced by writing an engaging meta description that closely relates to the page’s content, caters to users’ interests, and is optimized for user intent. The anecdotal evidence suggests that Google will boost your site due to the increased traffic and CTRs when you do this. To add to what Brian Dean said in his 2018 Definitive Guide to SEO, the head of Google Brain in Canada has just verified dwell time as a ranking component.

Meta Descriptions vs. SERP Snippets

A lot of people get the words “meta description” and “search snippet” mixed up.

However, search snippets and meta descriptions serve distinct purposes.

You have control over the meta description, which is an HTML tag. Make and tweak your meta descriptions if you want to.

Google displays summaries of your web pages in search results, called search snippets. There are two possible explanations: the meta description you wrote or something else entirely. Google is in charge of this.

Then why wouldn’t search engines like Google utilize it? Google may use a description for your page that differs significantly from the meta description you supplied, depending on the search query.

Nothing has changed here. Years ago, Google began automating this procedure.

While Google announces changes—like when they lengthened search snippets (only to cut them again six months later)—it’s crucial to keep in mind the difference between meta descriptions and search snippets.

What Is the Recommended/Ideal Meta Description Length?

Meta descriptions should not exceed 160–165 characters (or 156–160 characters, depending on who you ask), as has been the case for a long time as an accepted SEO best practice.

The thinking behind this is that if the meta description isn’t truncated in the search engine results pages (SERPs), then the bounce rate will be lower.

Google increased the character restriction for search engine results page (SERP) snippets from 150 to 165 to 300 at the end of last year, which is more than double the suggested amount. According to Moz’s research, the new standard for meta descriptions is 300 characters in length. Google subsequently reverted to its original character limit based on the word count.

What does this mean for SEO?

Do not stop trying new things; instead, analyze your results and adjust your approach accordingly.

Take into consideration the opinions of Google and its representatives regarding the implementation of certain features, but remember to do your tests as well. Verify both their words and their silence.

Determine just what makes your site tick.

Research the SERPs

Doing research should always take precedence, no matter your field. The majority of this research is focused on search engine results page (SERP) research.

Find out what your rivals are up to. For the upcoming days, weeks, and months, keep an eye on their search engine results pages.

You can see which meta descriptions they’re using and which ones they’re not.

There are several steps involved in conducting good SERP research:

Step 1: Search Engine Results Page Research for Your Targeted Keyword

Simpler said than done, I understand. Going through every search result by hand to find out what your competitors’ weak points are might be a tedious process.

Our focus on the competition is based on the observation that they frequently adopt strategies that are proving to be effective.

Step 2: Research the SERPs for Your Competition & What They Are Doing

In this section, you will examine your rivals’ brands in detail to learn their strategies.

Step 3: Gather All of Them into One Spreadsheet, and Keep Tabs On Them

If you use the SEO Quake add-on for Google Chrome, you can easily export Google Search Results to an Excel spreadsheet. You may quickly and efficiently maintain tabs on your competitors and keep a running account of their monthly activities without having to shell out astronomical amounts of money.

Research Your Clients

Figure out how your ideal customers would go through the marketing funnel and what they should do at each step.

Sharing a specific marketing funnel here would be useless because it can vary based on your target market.

Make adjustments to your meta descriptions based on your findings.

Set a Tone of Voice That’s Consistent With Your Brand

Consistent with their brand identity, every brand has its unique voice. What consumers see when they search for a brand online is known as its identity.

Every meta description needs to be carefully written and adjusted to fit the brand’s voice and how it spreads throughout the ecosystem.

You wouldn’t employ a voice that’s more appropriate for a hardware website on a shoe website, would you?

That being the case, why would you maintain a constant voice throughout the entire text?

The tone of voice is useful because it can appeal to various personas, each of which may be targeting a distinct set of keywords. An unprecedented degree of refinement and optimization may be achieved by combining personas with user intent and utilizing keywords in conjunction with this research to reach your target audience.

Make sure this optimization fits in with your site’s aesthetic and appeals to your intended audience; otherwise, it will stand out.

In the meta description, you should include the keywords that your target audience uses when searching.

Google insists on saying they don’t factor meta descriptions containing keywords into search engine rankings. But what do you see when you conduct research using search engine results pages? Emphasized terms in the meta description.

While this does not prove without a reasonable doubt that Google does utilize it, it does help direct readers to the most appropriate result that addresses their concerns.


The reason is, that people want results that specifically address their query when they search. This result may take precedence over others if the user’s query is related to personal injury lawyers.

IF, however, that outcome fulfills their purpose and answers their genuine questions, then yes.

You have just won the war for their attention and clicked on the result if your meta description more effectively meets their intent than any other result that appears.

As part of that fight, you’ll need to include keywords that Google will prioritize when showing your search results.

Take Advantage of Trending Social Headlines to Craft Your Description

Your ability to gauge what is popular and what isn’t among your target demographic is likely second to none, given your status as a social media expert.

Your plan should already include the following industry firms and influencer accounts.

Going a step further, you may find out what could work best for your business by looking at what’s hot in terms of subjects and using that information to inform the language of your meta description.

Break out of your routine.

If you make a living writing meta descriptions, you might find that you get stuck in a rut. That kind of rut, when you find yourself writing the same meta descriptions over and over again, you’re probably familiar with it.

Doing the ABCs every day, every week, or every month (for some sectors) is the surest method to get out of this kind of rut:

Always Be Crafting.

Also, the ABRs:

Always Be Researching.

Learn the ins and outs of your field, keep up with the latest trends, and most importantly, put in the time to practice.

Make Your Meta Description Specific

Prospecting clients are often turned off by generic meta descriptions and sales jargon like “best widgets” and similar terms. You need to make them feel certain that your result will meet their needs and fulfill their query.

Speaking to your readers about their true desires is more effective than trying to force them into your sales funnel.

Refreshing Your Meta Descriptions on Older Content

Meta descriptions are a great way to breathe new life into old information on a website. For older pages, this might be a fantastic method to gain fresh traction.

You can also increase your social media traffic by updating your meta descriptions. By methodically updating all of your meta descriptions, you can re-share and increase the exposure of previous pieces.

Examples of Great Meta Descriptions

Now the question is, how can one write an effective meta description?

Some instances are as follows:

  • “In a personal injury case, the victim’s pain and suffering are very real. Did you know that?” Read our most recent blog article to get the inside scoop from our team of personal injury attorneys.
  • You can discover a computer that allows you to do all you love, and more, if you take the time to carefully consider your needs. Get the lowdown from our techs.
  • We can assist you in finding the appropriate widget. Whatever you need, our widget professionals are here to help. When shopping for widgets, keep these features in mind.

Each industry has its own unique needs when it comes to meta description types. Here is where doing tests, analyzing the outcomes, and adjusting accordingly come into play.

Make sure your meta description fits in with the rest of the site, right down to the user-friendly pages. Incorporating the aforementioned optimizations requires constant vigilance over user intent.

Optimizing Meta Descriptions Requires Striking a Balance

Doing all of this while sticking to character restrictions, using strong calls to action in the meta description, maintaining appropriate branding and voice, and optimizing individual pages is no easy feat.

Maintaining a careful balance while simultaneously using basic SEO factors is no easy feat. Young padawan, we are proud of you; now go out and conquer the world with your meta descriptions.


Understanding the distinctions between Meta Description and SERP Snippet is crucial for optimizing your website’s visibility and attracting potential visitors. While the Meta Description serves as a concise summary of a page’s content for search engines, the SERP Snippet is the actual snippet that users see on the search engine results page. Crafting compelling and relevant Meta Descriptions can enhance click-through rates while optimizing SERP Snippets involves considering character limits and ensuring key information is prominently displayed. By strategically utilizing both elements, website owners can effectively communicate the value of their content, ultimately improving their search engine performance and user engagement.


What is the primary purpose of a Meta Description?

A Meta Description is a summary of a webpage’s content and serves as a concise preview for users. It is designed to provide a clear and compelling overview to entice users to click on the link.

How does a SERP Snippet differ from a Meta Description?

While a Meta Description is a part of the HTML code, a SERP (Search Engine Results Page) Snippet encompasses various elements displayed on the search results, including the title, URL, and rich snippets. The SERP Snippet combines these elements to offer a comprehensive preview of a webpage.

Are Meta Descriptions important for SEO rankings?

Meta descriptions are very important for search engine optimization. While they don’t directly impact search rankings, well-crafted Meta Descriptions can enhance click-through rates by providing users with relevant and enticing information, which indirectly influences a page’s performance in search results.

How can I optimize my Meta Description for better results on SERPs?

To optimize Meta Descriptions, ensure they are concise, relevant to the content, and include compelling language. Incorporate target keywords naturally and aim to create a description that encourages user engagement. Testing and refining meta-descriptions based on user response can also improve their effectiveness.

What factors influence the appearance of SERP Snippets?

Several factors influence how a SERP Snippet appears, including the search query, relevance of content, and the presence of structured data. Search engines may dynamically generate snippets based on user intent, emphasizing different elements from the webpage, such as featured snippets or rich results. It’s essential to have well-structured content and use relevant HTML tags to influence the snippet’s display.


Written by Ronak Ansley

As a seasoned digital marketing and SEO expert, I bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. With a passion for driving online growth and visibility, I have dedicated myself to staying at the forefront of industry trends and strategies. My journey in the digital realm spans several years, during which I have helped numerous businesses achieve their online objectives.

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