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How to generate traffic from Quora

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In the early days of my blogging career, when I launched one of my new websites, I had an extremely hard time attracting visitors. I began looking for ways to attract more visitors to my website. Just a handful of articles on Google and a few videos on YouTube. Any new website can benefit from my many strategies for increasing visitors.

Using the Quora website is a fantastic way to get visitors. You can boost traffic to your niche-specific website by using Quora’s question-and-answer feature. Here are eight simple ways to increase your Quora traffic that I’ve compiled in this post. Driving traffic will be a breeze if you can use these easy suggestions.

Why will we use Quora?

If you want to ask a question or provide an answer, Quora is the place to go.

Anyone else can ask questions on Quora, a question-and-answer website. Furthermore, any question can be answered by anyone.

Quora receives an enormous amount of traffic—nearly 1 billion views every month. The amount of traffic a new website can receive from even a small percentage of Quora users is substantial.

How do you generate traffic from Quora?

Just by answering questions on Quora on subjects connected to your blog’s niche, you can increase the number of people who visit your blog. Step two is to direct people who come to Quora to your website by linking to an article on your blog in your answer.

You should know that Quora has the power to ban your account if you spam their site before you begin using Quora. “Do not SPAM” thus.

Here are a few pointers to increase Quora traffic to your website

  • Optimize the Bio of your Quora profile: To begin using Quora’s question-and-answer format, the most important thing is your account bio. Use a high-quality headshot of yourself to give it a more businesslike vibe. Create a brief yet polished biography that highlights your qualifications.
    Outline your specializations and any relevant work experience you may have. You may gain people’s trust with just a brief bio and a polished profile photo. The remainder will be handled by your expertise and manner of answering.
  • Start answering questions: Ask some basic questions first. Deciding which questions are most relevant to your area of expertise is essential. If you’re an expert in email marketing, for instance, you should just answer inquiries about that field. Simply typing “email marketing” into Quora’s search bar will provide several frequently asked questions regarding the topic. Select a set of questions and save them for later use.
    Choose the queries with the most followers at all times. As for myself, I like to use the tactic of switching up the questions when I make my selection. Both fresh queries and those with a large number of followers are the ones I select. Your responses will be seen instantly by questions with more followers. If you want to attract more people to Quora, try asking fresh questions.
  • Answer similar kinds of questions: You might discover a variety of queries that are comparable to one another and cover the same ground. You might begin responding to queries of a similar nature. Make templates for questions that are similar to avoid having to write new answers each time.
    Just tweak it a little bit and use it for all those comparable questions. Making use of templates is a great way to streamline the replying process and save time.
  • Answer questions, that are ranking in Google: Some questions are already ranked in Google, so you can search for them. So, if you want to start receiving visitors straight from Google search engines, answer those queries. Your Quora answers will attract Google visitors, who will then visit your website.
    If you search Google for “one funnel away,” for instance, the Quora topic “Is one funnel away challenge worth investing?” will be displayed on the primary page of the search outcomes. Google will start sending people to your answer if you answer this query.
    Getting your hands on Google-ranking questions is the next big question. For answers to these queries, SEMrush is your best bet. To narrow down your search for queries, you can also use the filters in SEMrush.
  • Make proper format of your answers: An attention-grabbing hook should be your priority. Use an effective hook to pique readers’ interest. When I respond to questions, I always include an eye-catching image. The online tool “Canva” allows me to easily make original graphics.
    Your response also needs to be clear and free of grammar mistakes.
  • Add your links to your answers: You will be able to begin answering questions on Quora right away when you create an account. However, when you first submit your responses, do not include any links. It is my recommendation that no links be included within the first week. Establishing credibility and proving that you are not a spammer is essential on Quora. Quora will ban you instantly if you post a link on the first day.
    You will be able to begin entering links in the second week after answering a few questions without them. However, instead of answering five questions, my suggestion is to enter one link. All of your responses will be able to have links added to them after one month.
    In their Quora replies, some users include affiliate links. We strongly advise against using direct affiliate links in this way. Your Quora account can get banned if you do this. But Quora will alert you first if there is a policy violation. Rather than using the direct affiliate link, I always include a link to my website or landing pages.
  • Quora spaces: Think of it as a Facebook page on steroids. Your Quora account is where you may make a space for your questions. Posting new articles there regularly is recommended. Similar to Facebook, people will begin to follow you. Your Quora followers will be alerted whenever you post new articles.
  • Analyze your statistics: Begin responding to questions on Quora and make sure to check your stats. Using statistical analysis, you can quickly see which answer has the most likes, comments, and votes. That way, you’ll be able to respond to comparable inquiries.


Leveraging Quora to generate traffic can be a powerful strategy when executed thoughtfully and consistently. By following the steps outlined earlier – optimizing your Quora profile, providing valuable and insightful answers, strategically inserting relevant links, and engaging with the community – you can establish yourself as an authoritative figure in your niche. This not only enhances your online presence but also drives targeted traffic to your website or blog. Remember to stay genuine, prioritize quality over quantity, and foster meaningful connections with fellow Quora users. As you consistently contribute valuable content, you’ll likely see an increase in both your Quora visibility and the traffic directed to your online platforms, ultimately contributing to the growth and success of your online presence.


What is Quora and how can it be used to generate traffic?

Quora is a question-and-answer platform where users can ask, answer, and engage in discussions on various topics. To generate traffic, create a Quora account, participate in relevant discussions, and include links to your website or content when appropriate.

Is it essential to build authority on Quora to drive traffic effectively?

Yes, building authority on Quora is crucial. Provide high-quality answers, share valuable insights, and establish credibility in your niche. As you become recognized as an expert, users are more likely to click on links you share, boosting traffic to your site.

How can I find the right questions to answer on Quora for traffic generation?

Use Quora’s search function to find questions relevant to your niche. Focus on questions with a significant number of followers and recent activity. Additionally, explore topics related to your industry and contribute thoughtful answers to attract attention.

Are there specific strategies to optimize my Quora profile for traffic generation?

Absolutely. Optimize your Quora profile by adding a professional photo, writing a compelling bio, and highlighting your expertise. Include links to your website or relevant content in your profile and answers. This makes it easier for users to discover and visit your site.

Can Quora Spaces contribute to driving traffic to my website?

Yes, Quora Spaces, which are communities focused on specific topics, can be beneficial. Create or join Spaces related to your niche, share your knowledge, and engage with other members. Posting relevant links in Spaces can attract a targeted audience and increase traffic to your website.

Written by Ronak Ansley

As a seasoned digital marketing and SEO expert, I bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. With a passion for driving online growth and visibility, I have dedicated myself to staying at the forefront of industry trends and strategies. My journey in the digital realm spans several years, during which I have helped numerous businesses achieve their online objectives.

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